Hydration and Weight Management: One Piece of the Puzzle How can water promote weight management? At all times, your body is composed of...
Prebiotics and Probiotics- What is the difference?
Prebiotics and Probiotics- What is the difference? Although they sound similar, probiotics and prebiotics play different and crucial roles in...
The Power of Protein
The Power of Protein: Myths, Benefits and Facts Protein is an essential nutrient, but it is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Many...
Beyond the ‘Clean Plate Club’
A patient came to me last month with this statement: “I am a recovering former member of the clean plate club.” I started thinking in overdrive...
Sleep Your Way to A Healthier You
What is your relationship with sleep? Is it a major priority for you or are you able to operate well on minimal sleep? Do you notice a connection to...
What if I told you about a new pill that hit the market and can do all of these things: weight loss, decreased stress, improves blood...
Water Does Your Body Good
Have you ever noticed that it is 11 am, and you haven’t touched the hydro flask that you took pains to fill up with ice and water before you left...
New Years Blog
It’s 2:00 a.m. in the morning. The house is dark, quiet and the only sound you hear is the crunch ringing in your ears as you down a bag of...